

欢迎来到学术资源中心! 我们很高兴为您提供个人辅导, 小组测试学习, 和 resources to help you grow in your learning skills 和 subject mastery. We serve all students at 大学的朋友, CBASE, CAPS, 和 GRAD. 请继续阅读,了解我们的使命和服务.


的 学术资源中心 strives to promote the success of every 大学的朋友 student by providing individualized assistance 和 supplemental resources. Our staff of professionals 和 peer tutors encourage students to develop the academic skills necessary to be effective, 非常高效。, 和 confident in all academic 和 professional environments.

的 ARC is located on the first floor of the 赤柱图书馆, in room 112.

点击这里 访问我们的Moodle Shell!



施舍 & 资源





周日: 3 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.
星期五: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
周六: 关闭


周日: 关闭
Monday-Thursday: 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
星期五: 关闭
周六: 关闭

Adult Undergraduate, Graduate 和 distance students may still email papers during breaks. 我们将在列出的ARC时间之外提供反馈.
NOTE: 的 ARC will be closed for breaks, holidays 和 weekends around holidays. 假期包括, 但不限于以下时间:劳动节周末, 感恩节假期, 圣诞假期、周末和节假日, 马丁·路德·金. Day weekend, President’s Day weekend, Good Friday 和 Easter Sunday, 和 Independence Day.


ARC tutors provide a variety of help for students in the areas of writing, 自然科学, 数学, 音乐理论, 会计, 西班牙语, 计算机科学. 这种协助是免费的 朋友、学生和校友, 和 it is available on a drop-in basis or by appointment on the first floor of the 赤柱图书馆, 112房间.

Our team of tutors provide one-on-one assistance 和 group study sessions 之前 tests for courses offered at 朋友. 我们的团队包括同伴导师(同学), 专业写作导师,r, 和 several community professionals who volunteer time to help students learn. 的 center provides tutors with m和atory training 和 in-services on best practices of tutoring, 和 the tutors meet a minimum number of tutoring hours each academic year. This is designed so our tutors are trained to help you engage in the learning 过程, 提高自己的独立学习能力, 更好地理解你的主题.

就读于 研究生和专业研究学院 和 远程学习者 may elect to submit essays to the 学术资源中心 digitally throughout the year. 通过以下链接提交论文:

ARC论文评论 & 返回形式

亲自到ARC获取快速写作建议, 用我们的风格和书写手册, several ESOL (English as a Second or Other Language) resources, 还有装有音乐软件的电脑, 计算机专业软件, 专业的数学计算软件, 互联网接入, 字(词)处理技术, 和印刷. 我们也为学生提供充电站, 计算器可用于结帐, 和 a 76-key keyboard (with headphones) available during operating hours.

New students: Interested in being a Peer-Tutor in the 学术资源中心 (ARC)? 我们有两个绝佳的机会. 学生可以通过申请成为导师 LOL外围下注招聘网站, or 你可以申请奖学金.


Look for 和 click into the 学术资源中心 course on Moodle. You will find our hours, resources that may be helpful, 和 a gray button that says, “book now.”

当你来赴约时, 请带上你们的作业, 草稿, 和/or notes 和 施舍 to get the most out of your tutoring experience.

点击这里 to make an appointment through our Moodle Shell, or click the button below.

的 ARC is located on the first floor of the 赤柱图书馆, in room 112.



上面的按钮将带您进入Accudemia登录. 如果你需要设置你的Accudemia登录, go to our Moodle shell 和 watch the video on how to make an appointment first.

施舍 & 资源

所有类型的写作资源, 尤其是研究和文档风格, 都可以在ARC Moodle shell中使用. 该中心保存了各种样式手册(APA), MLA, Turabian), 教科书, 施舍, 还有供学生使用的字典. 学生可以用电脑写论文, 音乐理论和数学课, 搜索数据库和互联网, 访问电子邮件, 访问Moodle, 等. 点击这里 去看看!



的 ARC is the contact for all on-campus ADA accessibility concerns 和 any ADA accommodation requirements. This includes permanent disabilities or short-term such as concussions or broken arms. Emotional 支持 Animal (ESA) requests also go through the ARC. 学生 needing to utilize ADA services or requesting ESA approval should visit the ADA服务页面 之前 联系ARC了解需要哪些文件.


赤柱图书馆 提供许多服务和便利设施, a tutorials web page to help you learn about the 图书馆 和 how to use its resources, 以及到在线图书馆目录FriendLiCat的链接.


你的职业生涯从这里开始! 就业服务办公室 provides students 和 alumni of 大学的朋友 with information, tools 和 resources to explore career pathways 和 the steps needed to achieve your career goals. Maximize your future with assistance from the 职业服务 team. they offer help with career planning 和 career preparation, 以及提供招聘会, 研讨会, 以及社交活动.


永远不要低估自己. You’ve invested years of experience, hard work, 和 perseverance in your career. 大学的朋友 values those experiences 和 the knowledge you’ve gained outside the classroom with professional training, 志愿服务, 或者生活经历. 通过我们的 先前学习学分 过程, you can earn up to 30 hours of college credit toward your degree, saving precious time 和 money on your educational journey.


No, you do not need to book an appointment to use our services; however, 如果你正在寻找一个特定的科目或导师, it is best to schedule ahead of time to ensure they are available.

What kind of assignments will the 学术资源中心 help me with?
我们的工作人员将协助您任何类型的写作, 无论是课堂论文, 研究项目, 毕业论文, 拨款申请, 生物报告,甚至历史学期论文或简历. Just bring in your draft 和 assignment (class notes, 施舍, syllabus, 等.),我们可以帮助你. 我们还帮助学生学习数学和科学概念, 会计实务, 计算机科学的流程, 音乐理论, 西班牙语, 和更多的. Our tutors can even help with study skills, quizzing over notes, 等. 把我们的导师当作你的“学习伙伴”!”

Our facility is located centrally on the first floor of the 赤柱图书馆, in room 112. Our staff is comprised of skilled professionals 和 academically strong students who have been through many hours of training to help you meet the dem和s of your courses.

Besides tutoring, what does the 学术资源中心 offer?
我们已经提到了很多东西, 但我们可以补充说,我们已经创造了一种欢迎, comfortable environment that is focused on studying 和 learning, 和 people who are ready to help you with questions that come up as you study. 

是的. We work closely with coaches 和 the athletic department because they want to support you in your learning. 这就是为什么当你和家庭教师一起学习时, 参加学习会议, 或者在ARC内学习, that time counts towards your weekly athletic study hall hours. We hope you’ll consider our tutors to be members of your team.

How can I use the 学术资源中心 if I am not on the 威奇托 campus?
就读于 研究生和专业研究学院 和 远程学习者 may elect to submit essays to the 学术资源中心 digitally by following this link:
ARC论文评论 & 返回形式


For any other questions, please contact us during operating hours by calling us at (316) 295-5204
